Sunday, November 30, 2008

Looking back at past readings, looking forward to the essay about the movie-making process

The process of creating is what stands out in these exercises. Figuring out which tools to use when and why is pretty interesting. Sometimes, during the writing process you feel a certain way about how you want to sound, but in re-reading it, it no longer sounds "right" and figuring out what to change is actually pretty rewarding. Using words is still a chore for me. For instance, editing video feels a lot more like fun, but that's also something I can learn at home. Learning to write and revise is something I wouldn't even know how to do on my own.

Making a video was the best kind of group assignment I've had. Everyone had really good ideas, which we pooled and organized collectively. Not only were the examples and media (dry erase, lincoln logs, balloons etc.) the product of ALL of our creativity, but the story boarding and assembling of the film itself was a collective effort. I think we did talk about some of the McCloud ideas with regards to transitions, but mostly we mimicked the format of 1950's educational films. We felt that we could get our ideas across in a simple yet entertaining manner within that format. McCloud could certainly say a few things about our narrative technique and visual simplicity, and I think he would agree that our goal was aided by these conventions.

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