I only began to regularly use a computer for word processing once I purchased my first computer in 1998. Prior to that I hand wrote, which was unreasonably difficult for me. My hands would cramp up almost instantly, and my handwriting has always been wildly inconsistent. I actually enjoy handwriting now quite a bit for a variety of reasons. For one thing, I tend to hand write for shorter periods of time than I did when I was in grade school.
This time-lapse photography thing came about rather spontaneously. I wanted the medium and the text to be related. I wanted to write, "Passion" in lighter fluid on the wall of my apartment building, but obviously, that wouldn't look good to any passerby. Then I thought about writing "Ants" on my kitchen floor with honey, allowing the ants to join in and promote their own species linguistically and nutritionally.
Ultimately, For this experiment I had to use my imagination and come up with words I could:
A. Spell with a laser pointer within 15 seconds (the minimum shutter speed of my camera)
B. Somehow convey the essence of using a non-text visual cue.
Word up, Holmes. Hope you enjoy!
I think your light pen/laser pointer experiment turned out great, and I'm glad you didn't try the lighter fluid angle on things!